Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Final- Part Three.

This is a landscape photograph. It shows different aspects of the world. This photo illustrates a person in the distance walking down a small road with old houses surrounding them.

This is a portraiture. It shows a person's appearance or character. This photo is a good example of portraiture because it shows what this person likes to do; draw.

Landscape- A photo that is intended to show different spaces in the world.
This picture illustrates this because it includes trees, snow, and many other aspects of the world.

This is a Documentary photograph. It illustrates a social situation in society.
This picture is appropriate because it shows an average parent doing work.

This picture shows still life. Still life is when one photographs an inanimate object. In this photo, the leaf is the inanimate object.

Final- Part Two.

One photographer that particularly influenced me was Robert Frank. In his book, The Americans, he showed what it was like to be an American in 1958. His pictures show people; young and old, rich and poor, black or white. His pictures also show objects; gas stations, and barbershops. He put this book together to remind Americans who they are. Robert Frank is considered one of the most influential photographers of the century and many photographers would say their artwork is based on him. I believe that some of my artwork is influenced by Robert Frank. I enjoy taking pictures of normal, everyday things in life; the little things that are the most important to us. I believe that Robert Frank and I have that in common.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Final- Part One.

1] Knowledge:
Aperture- controls your depth of field; controls what your photo is focused on.
Shutter Speed- the amount of time the light hits the film; a higher speed is used to capture fast action shots. A slower speed is used to capture time lapse photography including landscaping, or still life photographs.
Film Exposure- The length of time the film is exposed to light. For example, the more time, the darker the photograph; the less time, the lighter the photograph.
Density and Contrast- The sharpness the photo has. If you print over or under the right time, the less density and contrast.
Burning and Dodging- Controls the light and dark areas of your photographs. If you want a part of your picture lighter than the rest, put your hand over that area for a couple seconds when printing.

This picture illustrates film exposure (darker, more of a silhouette), contrast (a rich black in the front and a bright white towards the back), and shutter speed (used at 60x, making the photo clear, and the focus of the photo obvious).

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Where we live.

1] How do you feel about life this area? Is Lakewood a good place to live?

I feel that Lakewood is a relaxed, safe place to live. There are many things to do, from snowboarding in the winter to boating in the summer.

2] Do you like your school? Job?

         I've been a student at Southwestern since pre-k, and I think its a good school academically. Most of the teachers are nice, and very helpful. 

3] What are your plans for immediate/distant future?

         In the next two years, I plan on graduating High School, and attending a college for Dentistry. 

4] Research a documentary photograph you really like- list the artist, date, location and title of the documentary.

5] Explain what the purpose of this particular documentary is.

The purpose of this photograph is to show how strong love is between father and daughter.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Environmental Portraits

The purpose of this photo is to capture the subject in his normal, everyday life. The photographer, Dennis Welsh, took advantage of the amount of land behind the subject to make the photo look longer, and more dramatic. He also uses the main subject, the man, to make someone look throughout the whole photo. I really like this picture because it explains this man's life, and what he enjoys doing.